Why we do confidence Building Exercises.

Confidence Building Exercises.

Games Based Training.

 Why do Groundwork or Confidence Building Exercises /Course?

To have FUN which enhances learning!

To focus and think, and this applies to 2-legged and 4-legged.

To move slowly! When we move slowly, the nervous system pays more attention to what it is doing and different parts of the brain and different muscles are used.

The results of learning in the playground or confidence course transfer into real-life situations.

To allow an animal to explore non-habitual ways of moving.

To increase coordination

To increase self-confidence and self-control

To improve balance and to experience that being in balance makes it easier to learn and to get the most out of activities

To overcome fears by having a variety of ways to make the experiences successful

To improve self-carriage (posture).

Movement increases proprioceptive input (awareness of where your body is in space). Proprioceptive input increases dopamine which is the nuero-transmitter that helps influence the emotional state.

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